How a newspaper article inspired a product to help make college campuses safer – with Ara Bagdasarian

Ara Bagdasarian, Omnilert, B2B, Customer Acquisition

We talk a lot on Mixergy about where founders get ideas for the products they sell.

Often, those ideas come from finding problems.

Well today’s guest read a horrible story in a newspaper and decided to launch a business to solve the problem.

Ara Bagdasarian is the CEO and Co-founder of Omnilert which started as a campus emergency notification system and now allows any industry to send alerts in an emergency.

Ara Bagdasarian


Ara Bagdasarian is the Co-founder of Omnilert, a campus emergency notification system.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.

You know, I’ve noticed that a lot of people are complainers. Frankly, they love to read the news and complain. They’ll read an article and they’ll complain about how the republicans did this or the democrats are responsible or maybe it’s because the whole economy is going to pot or our culture is going to waste and all that stuff. They just love to complain, complain, complain. Not entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs love to solve the problems.

That’s one of the things that’s been so exciting for me to find out on these interviews, that over and over I interview entrepreneurs who find a problem, either one that they initially have and then discover others have or they find one out in the world and they create businesses that solve them.

That’s what happened to today’s guest. He read an...

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