Esoterica: How Hand-Assembled Servers Became Portugal’s Multimillion Dollar ISP – with Antonio Ferreira

Antonio Ferreira, Lunacloud, Customer Acquisition, European Founder, International Founders, Mental Game, SaaS (software as a service), Scaling, Sell Your Business
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This is the story of how Antonio Ferreira, along with friends he met online, hand-assembled a few servers and built a company that helped people in Portugal go online for the first time.

You can tell from the headline that it has a happy ending, but how exactly did they pull it off? How did these guys who couldn’t even afford decent equipment and were frequently close to failure build a multimillion dollar company? That’s what you’ll hear in this interview.

You’ll also find out why Antonio passed up a chance to retire on a beach for the rest of his life and instead launched Lunacloud, a cloud provider, which aims to bring simplicity to the world of cloud services.

Antonio Ferreira

Antonio Ferreira


Antonio Ferreira is the founder of Lunacloud, a cloud Infrastructure as a Service provider. Lunacloud aims to bring simplicity to the world of cloud services.


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