How to reinvent an old fashioned shopping experience like wedding dress shopping

Leslie Voorhees Means, Anomalie, eCommerce, Non-Tech, Physical Product, Women Founders

Today’s guest recognized that the wedding dress shopping experience could use a refresh.

But what makes her different is that she had the guts to create a brand new way of doing something old fashioned. Straight from the factory to the bride.

Leslie Voorhees Means is the co-founder of Anomalie which brings customized wedding dresses straight to the consumer.

I want to find out how she built this business.

Leslie Voorhees Means


Leslie Voorhees Means is the co-founder of Anomalie which brings customized wedding dresses straight to the consumer.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, for an audience of real entrepreneurs who are, get this, they’re building their businesses. Now, if you’ve ever seen the video my interviews, you might have noticed that I’ve got a wedding ring on and buying a wedding ring was in insanely difficult. For some reason, Olivia and I argued in the car after we did it, after we went to look at my wedding ring. What we didn’t argue about was the wedding dress. It was tough. It was frustrating.

It made my wife, like, second guess should she even be buying one. Does it make sense to do it? Is this really her because it felt very old-fashioned? But I didn’t get to experience it. I noticed that she experienced it on her own with her wife, that there was an experience there that’s part of getting married. And still, today’s...

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