Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs, mostly in the tech software space about how they built their businesses. And when I was told about today’s guest, I said, no, I don’t think it’s going to be a good fit.
And, uh, I went back and forth several times because I said coaching, which is what Nick Bolton today’s, uh, founder. Launched. It’s a transformational coaching school. Coaching schools seem a little bit outside of the focus of what I do on Mixergy. But as I found out about the, the entrepreneurial journey, I said, oh, this is very similar to what, what other businesses go through?
This is very interesting. I want to find out how he did this. And so I invited him on here to talk about how he built up his business. The, the thing that I’m most fascinated by is that first of all, how he got clients in. And Nick, you must know this, your...