How to get over the startup fear, and just get started – with Andy Wilkerson

Andy Wilkerson, Parallelus, Customer Acquisition, Mental Game, Theme - WordPress or other
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Today you’re going to meet a guy who runs a profitable business which sells themes.

There’s an online marketing place called ThemeForest where designers sell themes they make for sites that run on platforms like WordPress or Tumblr. I happened to chat with the founder of that marketplace and he told me that quite a few of his designers are making over a million in sales.

I asked him to intro me so I could learn from them and that’s how I met today’s guest.

Andy Wilkerson is the founder of Parallelus, which makes & sells WordPress themes.

Andy Wilkerson

Andy Wilkerson


Andy Wilkerson is the founder of Parallelus, which makes & sells WordPress themes.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of This is home of the ambitious upstart. And today, you’re going to meet a man who runs a profitable business which sells themes. There’s an online marketplace called Theme Forest, where designers sell themes that they make for sites that run on platforms like WordPress and Tumblr.

I happened to chat with the founder of that marketplace by email a few weeks ago, and he told me that quite a few of his designers are actually making over $1 million in sales just selling their themes on his marketplace. On Theme Forest. So I said, you’ve got to introduce me to someone who does this. I want to interview them. I want to learn how they do it. And that’s how today’s interview came to be.

Andy Wilkerson is the founder of, which makes and sells beautiful WordPress themes. I invited him here to tell the story of how he did it. And the...

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