How does Andrew do it? His secret to getting things done

Nick McDonald, 3DayMonk, System

How does Andrew do it?

A busy husband and father, what system does Andrew have in place to help him be a successful entrepreneur?

Nick McDonald, the founder of 3DayMonk, turns the tables on Mixergy’s founder and asks the hard questions to discover what processes Andrew has in place that drive Mixergy’s success.

Nick McDonald


Nick Mcdonald is the founder of which helps people who jump from idea to idea stick with their plans long enough to find success.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, and this is different from my other interviews. Usually I have an entrepreneur who I interview on Mixergy, and I’ve had over a thousand entrepreneurs here talk about how they built their businesses. Today, I’m the one who’s going to be interviewed.

See, Nick McDonald is a guy who took my Interview Your Heroes course, where I teach people how to do interviews, and he emailed me and said, “Hey, Andrew, I took your course. I want to interview you.” I go, “All right, let’s do it.”

I’m sitting here being interviewed by him and the whole time I think, “Boy, these are great questions. I really like where he’s taking me. I like this conversation. I’m really enjoying myself. I should tell some of these stories to my listeners. I think people listening to Mixergy would want to hear this stuff. Why do I not talk about that...

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