Profile: The raw, unglamorized entrepreneur

Travis Jamison,, Bootstrapping, eCommerce, Failure, Mental Game, SaaS (software as a service)

Insecurities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and a hustler mentality. We’re going to get into all of it in this interview.

My guest today is Travis Jamison. He is the founder of where they buy minority stakes in bootstrapped online businesses.

Travis Jamison

Travis Jamison is the founder of where they buy minority stakes in bootstrapped online businesses.

Andrew:   hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Today’s guest is Travis Jamison. He created AMZ tracker. It’s a search engine optimization tool for, um, people who sell on Amazon and he sold it.

I’ve got the number here. I don’t know if he’s taught you talk about a publicly.

Travis: I don’t think so, but it’s not a big deal. So

Andrew: How much was it

Travis: like 11.6 million.

Andrew: Why, why? Like,

Travis: I’m not sure it was 11.6 or 11.8.

Andrew: How do you not know that I can just from a, I’m not confronting you on it. I’m curious. Why would you not know how much that is?

Travis: it’s been a few years. It’s been like five years. I split it with my cofounder.

And I have a lot of other like income streams coming in. So...

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