How do you scale company culture?

Jeff Epstein, Ambassador, B2B, SaaS (software as a service), Scaling

Today I have Jeff Epstein, the founder of Ambassador, who I interviewed about four years ago.

Since I last had him on Ambassador has grown 5x. I want to find out how he’s grown and scaled his team. I want to spend a lot of time talking about company culture for a business that has grown so fast.

Jeff Epstein is the founder of Ambassador, an all-in-one referral software.

Jeff Epstein


Jeff Epstein is the founder of Ambassador, an all-in-one referral software.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs. I pride myself on showing up on showing up on time, on doing research. I wasn’t on time for today’s guest . . . 16 minutes late. I’ve got Jeff Epstein back here. He’s an entrepreneur I interviewed about four years ago about his company, Ambassador. It’s all-in-one referral software. Jeff, before I do like the proper intro and tell people about the sponsors, I’ve got to tell you why I’m late.

My stomach, like right here — I don’t know if you can see it — is killing me, the upper part of my stomach. I’m constantly like late for stuff today and constantly under the gun if not late. I mean, it was like a 10-or-so-minute lateness. I don’t want to make too much of it. We texted each other so you were aware of it. But I think I’m overcommitted. I’m taking on way too much stuff. I...

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