Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. All right, let’s suppose you are an ambitious upstart somewhere in San Francisco and you decide that you don’t just want to sell to people in California or people in the United States, you actually want to branch out to the rest of the world. And let’s suppose further that, unlike most Americans, you actually realize there’s a market south of the border. You know, in Latin America. And you want to actually sell stuff to them and make money and do business. What do you do?
Well, having lived in Argentina I know that it’s very tough for people in South America for people to actually pay for stuff in the U.S. And that’s what today’s guest is solving, that problem. Alphonse Voigt is the founder of EBANX. He just his headset off so we’ve got a little bit of echo, but that’s okay....