Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner, and I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs. Joining me is a listener who’s now a first-time guest here on Mixergy. He’s a guy whose company I’ve known for a long time. It’s called Pepperjam.
See, I started out in the internet back when I thought the only thing you could do is buy ads. And then somehow I discovered affiliates and affiliates started sending me more traffic than any ad I ever bought with no risk. I could pay them only after I made money, only after I got the action that I wanted. It was amazing, revolutionary, opened my eyes. The thing is that most people still don’t even know what affiliate marketing is.
Well, joining me today is a guest who said, “You know what? Not only did I figure out affiliate marketing and it works, but I took it beyond my own company. I created . . . ” now...