How to modernize an old technology like outdoor billboard advertising

Matt O'Connor, AdQuick, Marketplace

Today’s guest saw an old technology and said, “What if I modernize it?”

Instead of forcing people to remember the company name on a billboard, their phone number, write it down, and go buy it. “What if I create a web page where anyone can go and buy like they buy anything else?”

I care about his story. But I’m also thinking in my head, “What else is outdated that we can modernize using some of the things that we already know?” And as you’ll see, he started out very basic the way that you can when you come up with something that you want to modernize.

Matt O’Connor is the founder of AdQuick, a marketplace to buy and sell outdoor advertising.

Matt O'Connor


Matt O’Connor is the founder of AdQuick, a marketplace to buy and sell outdoor advertising.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they build their businesses. And I do it for an audience of ambitious people. Look, when you watch . . . I don’t know if you do. Matt, you tell me if you do. When I watch a baseball game, I, in the back of my head, imagine what would it be like if they just called me and said, “Hey, Andrew, come on down here, we can use you in the outfield.” If I’m watching a musician play even at a local bar here, I imagine what would it be like if I had to get to stand up on stage and play with them.

I don’t play music. I don’t play sports. I don’t do any of that. And still, there’s a part of me that just wants to be a part of it. And the reason is I find that when we watch other people doing things, especially when they break down how they do it, there’s a part of us that vicariously wants to...

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