How smart brands are using better data to personalize their message

Eric Frankel, AdGreetz, B2B, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

Today’s guest is a hustler. I could find research online to show it, but instead I’m going to tell you a story that he doesn’t know that I know about.

He’s a guy who recognized that there’s a lot noise in the ad world. He came up with a great solution for it.

Eric Frankel asked the question: What if all ads weren’t the same to all people? What if they were so personalized that they understood that I like V-neck t-shirts or button-down t-shirts? What if they took it a step further and said, “Andrew, I know you like V-necks. Here’s a really good deal on a V-neck T-shirt.”

That’s the level of personalization that he is championing with his company AdGreetz. I invited him here to talk about how he did it.

Eric Frankel


Eric Frankel is the founder of AdGreetz, a cloud-based SaaS platform that empowers brands to dynamically deploy millions of “smart”, hyper-relevant, data-driven, personalized video and display ads and messages on 18 channels.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I do interviews for entrepreneurs with proven entrepreneurs. So I know many of you are listening as you’re building your businesses and that’s why I get into the details of how my guests built their companies.

Today’s guest is a hustler. Now, I could say that a million different ways and I can find research online to show it, but instead I’m going to tell you this story that he doesn’t know that I know about. When he got on a Skype call with our pre-interviewer and producer, Brian Benson, he happened to be looking through his email and happened, in the sent folder, to reveal a bunch of messages that he sent out that all had the same subject line to other podcasters trying to promote his company.

I thought this guy, he is a former executive at Warner Brothers or president in the Warner Brothers family of companies. He is running a...

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