Acuity Scheduling was JUST acquired by Squarespace and here’s their origin story

Gavin Zuchlinski, Acuity Scheduling, Mixergy Fan, Outsourcing, Sell Your Business

Acuity Scheduling was in the news because they were acquired by Squarespace.

We’re reposting this older interview to show you how Gavin Zuchlinski grew his company with spectacular customer support.

Gavin Zuchlinski is the founder of Acuity Scheduling, a 13-year-old calendar scheduling service.

Gavin Zuchlinski

Acuity Scheduling

Gavin Zuchlinski is the founder of Acuity Scheduling, a calendar scheduling service.

Andrew: I’ve got to play an older interview for you. This week, Acuity Scheduling was acquired by Squarespace. I love Acuity Scheduling. That’s what I used to book interviews with all my guests. I just send them my calendar, they pick the time they like, and they book their interviews. And the founder was a long time Mixergy fan. He actually had been on Mixergy doing an interview about how he created this operation. And I think it’s worth revisiting – this story – now that they’ve had this amazing sale to Squarespace. Here’s the interview.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart.

And back in 2011, I was really struggling to book guests on Mixergy. Part of the struggle was that I was starting to invite so many people to do interviews that I had a hard time of keeping track of when I invited them to come on, when they said yes....

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