The Pilot Who Raised $12.8 Mil To Organize The Online Videos Business – with Ran Harnevo

Ran Harnevo, 5min, Content, Scaling, Traffic
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If you want to understand why I ask entrepreneurs about what they did before they launched their businesses, listen to Ran Harnevo’s answer to my question about how being a fighter pilot when he was younger shaped his decision-making process. At 20, an age when many future-entrepreneurs decide whether to go to class or skip it, he finished the IDF Air Force Academy and started taking on the kind of responsibilities that most people will never understand.

Today he’s responsible for taking the $12.8 million that investors put into his startup, 5min, and ensuring that the business is the leading video syndication platform. We talked in this interview about the experiences he had leading up to 5min’s launch, the vision he had for the business, how he raised funding for the company, and what he sees as the future of online video.

Ran Harnevo

Ran Harnevo


Ran Harnevo is the Founder and CEO of 5min, the leading syndication platform for broadband instructional, knowledge and lifestyle videos. Its library includes tens of thousands of videos across 20 categories and 140 subcategories, which are professionally produced and brand-safe.


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