Building big business off of an existing platform like WordPress

Armen Saghatelian,, International Founders, SaaS (software as a service), Theme - WordPress or other

The idea of plugins for WordPress being a business has been around for a while now. Joining me is an entrepreneur who’s been in this space. He’s got plugins that had been downloaded millions of times, that has generated solid revenue.

But he said, “You know, the future is not just letting people have all the ingredients in building a website. I want to give everyone the whole package. I will host a website for them. I will make sure that WordPress works well for them. And I will give them the plugins that they need.

And he did it by creating a nice drag-and-drop builder that actually competes with some of the more modern drag-and-drop experiences that have come after WordPress for publishing websites.

That is the business model that he created. I invited him here to talk about how he did it.

Armen Saghatelian

Armen Saghatelian is the co-Founder of which is an all-in-one WordPress Website Builder.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. My website is, it’s a WordPress website. And whenever there’s a new functionality that I want to add to it, I just go and find a plugin and then I go to our developer and I say, “Can you make sure that this actually makes sense and I can install it?” And at some point, we get it. It’s up on the site.

This idea of plugins for WordPress as being a business, it’s been around for a while now. Joining me is an entrepreneur who’s been in this space. He’s got plugins that had been downloaded millions of times, that has generated solid revenue. And then he said, “You know what? I like adding functionality. I like that I can add a plugin that anybody, including Andrew, who wants to add photos to their website can just go on and install my Photo Gallery plugin and...

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