Who Do You Think I Should Interview For The First Mixergy Book?

My thoughts on the book

I want to turn some of my past and upcoming interviews with entrepreneurs into a book of startup stories.

I once read a story of how Ted Turner burst into a potential client’s office and made some dramatic gesture to get them to buy ads on his TV station, TBS. That story inspired me when I started out in business and was desperate to make a sale. I popped into Rosalind Resnick‘s office with a check for all the money I had at the time (about $2,000). I told her that if she didn’t like the ads I sold her, she didn’t have to pay me for them AND she could keep my check. She bought the ads and we did business for years.

Other entrepreneurs’ experiences can inspire us and give us ideas for how we can build our own companies. That’s why I want to put together a collection of the stories I hear in my interviews on Mixergy.

About the book

– It’ll be a collection of past and upcoming interviews with entrepreneurs

– Each chapter will be a different interview about a different company

– Stories in the book will be covered in more depth than the posts on Mixergy.com

– The interviews in the book will be edited more than on the site so the stories will flow better

– I’ll post each interview on Mixergy so I can get your feedback before adding it to the book

– I expect to finish the interviews in 2 months

How you can help

I’ve never written a book before. (Frankly, even this small blog post took me over an hour to write.) But I’ve slowly built an audience of smart entrepreneurs on Mixergy. With your feedback, I can write a book that will help you build a business you can be proud of.

Help me find people to interview

In the comments, could you please suggest internet entrepreneurs for me to interview? I’m looking for people whose companies and success you admire. Jimmy Wales of Wikipeidia and Alexis Ohanion of Reddit are good examples.

Give me feedback on my interviews

I’ll post my interviews on Mixergy before I put them into the book. Let me know what you think. Mixergy is still a small site. Your opinion won’t get lost here. I read and respond to my emails and comments. So if you feel something needs to be improved, let me know.

Giving you credit

I want to give credit to people give me helpful feedback. When you leave a comment on an interview I post, use your name as you’d like me to include it when I thank you in the book.