Have you been a victim of Mixergy’s audio and video quality?

We want to fix that.

So we’re putting together a checklist of everything that an interviewee needs to know about looking and sounding good in a Mixergy interview.

Check it out. And if we’ve missed anything, let me know in the comments section.

– Arie

p.s. Take a look at the infographic Lemon.ly made for us.

How not to look ugly on a webcam

Don’t have any light behind you (even if it’s from a window).

When light hits a webcam, it compensates by going dark, which makes you look like a faceless shadow.

Have light facing you.

That’s how they make people look good on TV.

Mind your background.

No bathroom or anything funky behind you.

Use an ethernet cable to connect to the internet & turn wifi off.

Wifi is convenient, but it has latency issues, which makes you look like you’re constantly 2 seconds behind the conversation.

Find a quiet place to record.

If people have to strain to hear, they’ll feel annoyed.

Restart your computer. Even if it’s a Mac.

It’s the best way to ensure random background programs aren’t taking resources away.

Turn off any programs you don’t need.

Even web browsers can be resource hogs.

Pause (or shut off) programs that upload or download files in the background.

Look for the programs you don’t think about, like DropBox or cloud backup software.

Ask people who are sharing your internet network not to upload or download large files.

It’ll slow down your connection and make you hard to see and hear you.

Position yourself so you’re in the center of the webcam

If you slouch, you’ll look like a little head in the lower corner of people’s computer screens, which will make you seem weak and uncaring.