First $100K Series

After running the First $10K Series, a couple entrepreneurs asked if we’d do a First $100K Series.

We loved the idea and are now accepting applications from founders who made $100K in their first year in business.

Is this you? Apply now. We’ll be accepting applications for two weeks after which we’ll start inviting superstars on Mixergy.

If you are chosen, you will be prepped by one of our awesome producers just like all our past guests. Our producers are highly trained to help guests tell a great story and to prepare them for the real deal with Andrew.

There are so many awesome startups making it in the scene. We are excited to give early entrepreneurs a chance to tell their story and inspire others!


  • Tell us a story and be as detailed as possible. Tips: How did you come up with the idea? Was there something clever you did to make it happen? How long did it take to reach $100K in sales?