Master Class: Become the connection hub – with Yanik Silver

Have you ever shown up to a networking event…

(After psyching yourself up to even get there in the first place…)

Only to hug the wall and nurse your drink all night?

Or worse, have you ever booked tickets to a big conference…

Spending lots of time and money to get there (not to mention eating terrible airport food)…

Only to sit in the sessions alone, and come away with zero new connections?

It sucks.

And if you’ve been in that situation, then you probably already know that connections with other people can help your business grow…

That it’s less lonely when you have people in your “space” you can call for help…

That one tweet from an influencer can skyrocket your sales…

You know that connections are that important, because it’s why you went to the event in the first place!

But showing up isn’t enough.

So how do you actually make connections?

(Especially if you’re an introvert?)

Yanik Silver, founder of Maverick 1000 and author of “Evolved Enterprise,” came to Mixergy to show us how it’s done.

In Yanik’s Mixergy course, you’ll discover: