Master Class: Connect with Influencers – with Steve Sims

Reach world-famous influencers for the price of a postage stamp.

Usually when people say they can reach influencers, they mean their favorite blogger or someone who’s Internet-famous.

But what if you want to reach world-famous influencers like Richard Branson, Donald Trump, and Steve Forbes?

And what if you then want to make them your clients?

That’s exactly what Steve Sims, founder of Bluefish and author of 7 Ugly Truths: The Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far, does every single day. So we invited him to Mixergy to teach us how to do it, too.

And the best part is, this works even if you’re not a natural. And even if you aren’t very well-connected.

After all, that’s where Steve started out, too. “I come from a construction family,” he says. “I think we aspired to be middle class.”

In the full course, you’ll discover:

One part that really stood out: How Steve gets a 100% hit rate using snail mail to reach world-famous influencers.

Here’s an excerpt on that, from the full course:

Steve: I may do 100 envelopes on the plane tomorrow. But I guarantee you over the next two weeks, I’ll have 100 conversations and out of those 100 conversations, probably about 20% will go, “We forgot to speak to you…we need to go and do this thing or we need to go and do whatever.” Great. Well, I’m glad it clicked something. So, let’s get it going.

Then complement Steves’s course with these Mixergy resources on connecting with influencers: