Updated: He did the interview. Click here to see it.

Chandrasekar Rathakrishnan

I think we entrepreneurs can learn a lot from companies and partnerships that fail. That’s why I always give entrepreneurs who’ve gone through hard times a safe environment to talk about the problems they faced and tell us what they learned.

Today, I’m openinly invitingĀ Chandrasekar Rathakrishnan of FusionGarage to an interview about the end of CrunchPad, the tablet computer that Michael Arrington has been trying to release, and that he today saidĀ Chandrasekar snatched from him.

This post is my public invitation for an interview about what happened. I also sentĀ Chandrasekar a private email with details.

If you’re a fan of my work and happen to know him, I hope you urge him to say yes.

Retweet this invitation.