Premium Members: get the FULL course here

Free First Sections:
Tax Secrets For Founders

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Frequently asked questions

Who’s leading this course?

It’s led by Cameron Keng, a certified public accountant, and resident mentor and advisor at a number of New York Cities co-working spaces such as New York City, Grind Spaces, We Create, Green Spaces and Hubitat.

Is this just a SAMPLE?

What you’re watching above is the first few sections of the course. It’s meant to be useful on its own, but I hope you’ll get the full course too. It’s very actionable, as you can see from this sample.

Can I download the course?

Yes. When you get the full course, you can either watch it online or download it to your computer (or portable device). You’ll get to download the movie (in .mov format) or just the audio (in .mp3 format).

What else is included?

You’ll get the toolkit that will help you use what you’re learning..

Is the full course included in my Mixergy Premium Membership?

Of course. If you’re a Premium Member, you get EVERY course. As a Premium Member, you can ignore all prices on this site and assume you’re entitled to every course Mixergy produces. It’s all included in your Mixergy Membership. (And thanks for supporting this site!)

How do I get the rest of the course?

Get the full course right here.